Information on how to submit a complaint

What can you complain about?

A complaint expresses a clear dissatisfaction with something related to the operations of an educational institution with a municipality organiser. That is, everything from municipal preschools to Municipal adult education, more known as Komvux.

Stating a general opinion is not viewed as a complaint, neither are matters related to bullying or bad treatment.

How can you submit a complaint?

You can submit a complaint through the municipality’s e-service, Synpunkten, but also through e-mail, letter, telephone or saying it orally. 

Who should you contact?

You should primarily contact the mentor, class teacher or another member of staff at the school in question. The exception is if the complaint is about the principal’s performance of duties, then you should contact the Operations Manager of the schools (Verksamhetschef Skola). Every member of staff that receive a complaint shall report this to the principal. The principal will follow up on the complaint.

If the staff cannot solve the problem, or you are not satisfied with the result, you may contact the principal. Should you not be satisfied with the principal’s handling or decision, you can turn to the Operations Manager, thereafter the Head of the department and thereafter, if you are still not satisfied, you can complain to Skolinspektionen and/or Barn- och elevombudet.

What happens when you have submitted your complaint?

If you submit the complaint orally or by telephone, the person receiving the complaint should ensure him-/herself that he has understood it correctly, for example by asking you questions, if needed.

If you submit your complaint in written form (that is, via Synpunkten, e-mail or letter), a message will be sent to you that confirms that your complaint has been received and gives you information on how the complaint will be handled and when you can expect the decision and/or action. Also, an employee of the municipality will contact you to make sure that the complaint has been understood correctly. On this occasion, you also have the opportunity to tell the employee about additional information that is relevant in relation to your complaint.

How long will it be before I receive an answer/decision regarding the complaint?

As a general rule, you should receive an answer within two weeks, if you submit your contact information. You can choose to be anonymous, but then we cannot get back to you with the answer/decision. If the complaint is of extensive nature and requires more than two weeks of work, you will be informed of this as soon as possible.

Submitted complaints are public documents and accessible to the public insofar as they do not contained classified information.

How to e-mail us
Telefon: 010-35 60 000
Box 706
572 28 Oskarshamn
Varvsgatan 8
572 57 Oskarshamn