Engage a student for ex-job/project work

En grupp människor i varselvästar besöker en industrianläggning.

Is there a question that your business would benefit from having the answer to, but that you never seem to get around to figuring out? Have you been struggling with a problem for so long that you need a fresh pair of eyes looking at it? Or are you simply looking for your next recruit? Try engage a student – a simple way to add new skills to your business! It is also a good way to be visible to students and thus increase awareness of you and strengthen your brand.

Nova – a support

Nova contributes to the supply of skills and excellence by making Oskarshamn known among students as an attractive place for future work and living. Oskarshamn's broad and rich business community needs to secure its future supply of skills. One way to attract future labor is to create interest in our companies and organizations among students already during their time at university. This can be done by offering them the opportunity to do their ex-job/project work at one of the companies or organizations.

Nova wants to be a support in the process of getting in touch with the right student and university. We have well-established contacts with KTH, Linköping University and Linnaeus University.

Nova's support for companies and other organizations

  • Inventory the needs of working life
  • Help formulate a question
  • Contact with universities and help to find the right one

Nova's support for students

  • Support and help to find local stakeholders and contact routes
  • Joint activities on site in Oskarshamn (study visits, presenting ex-jobs etc.) – to meet other students and make contact with companies and other organisations.